Ibusa Festivals



The Real Home of Culture and Tradition.



Ibusa Festivals

Some important Ibusa annual festival are owned and celebrated by a group of Ogbes or by the whole of Ibusa. The Performance of these festivals annually has an integrative and cohesive influence on the total social structure.

Those owned and celebrated by the whole of Ibusa are the IWA JI  (New Yam Festival).


IFEJIOKU (Yam –force festival) - There are Ifejioku Ndi Eze observed by the Eze title holders.


Ifejioku Nkpalo  observed by the Nkpalos and Ifejioku Mgba Nkpisi done by Nkpisi title men. Wrestling contest is held as part of the festival.


The IWU Festival, is observed principally by Ogbeowele and Umu Odafe.


The INE Festival is observed in mid – February to mark the clearing of farmlands. The Eshishie is peculiar to Ezukwu. 




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Email :  Alex@Ibusa.net

Website :  www.Ibusa.net




